From Space

From Space is an online co-op game where you and a squad of friends take on the challenge of liberating the world from a brain-hungry infestation.

Today we’re taking a look at a game called From Space!

This is a multiplayer demo of the game it’s going to be myself and Duckfat the infamous Duckfat that you guys have seen on this channel a number of times.
We’ll be taking a look at the game and it’s a isometric shooter with a fair amount of progression supposedly I have not played a game at all yet and customize your character, make your squad unique, find perks all that good stuff but let’s take a look. Let’s get started here so we can see what this is all about at the end of the video we’re gonna have pros cons and final thoughts on the on the game on the experience!

Second Review

Coming Soon

Third Review

Coming Soon

Would you like to play From Space ?

GENRE: Action, Adventure, Indie


DEVELOPER: Triangle Studios